We’re Going to See Obama…I don’t think so!

Well, 17 degrees and a few hours later was not enough to keep us. By group consensus, we were leaving. What? I left Florida to witness THE INAUGURATION and we’re leaving? Say it isn’t so! But, I had an out. Courtney, the dutiful and faithful husband that he is, asked me, “What do you [...]

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We’re Going to See Obama…Obama…Obama… (Part II)

No, we hadn’t lost our minds! We wanted to be like the millions of others anticipated to be there to witness a moment in history! We were ready! We were layered (seven to be exact). We even doubled up on our gloves (and hand warmers), doubled on hats and I had my Uggs, so I [...]

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We’re Going to See Obama…Obama…Obama…(Part I)

Remember the song from back in the day by L.L. Cool J? We’re going back to Cali. Cali. Cali. We’re going back to Cali…I don’t think so! As I wrote the heading for this blog, “We’re Going to See Obama…Obama…Obama” I immediately thought about L.L. Cool J’s song. Keep reading and you’ll see why, I [...]

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Did Somebody Say Crab Boil?

Okay, so we’re one day away from Inauguration Day. When we wake up, we are pleasantly surprised. It’s snowing outside. It took a while for the snow to stick, but once it did it was a beautiful site to see. It was the perfect day for hot chocolate and marshmallows, a blanket and crab legs. [...]

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“We Are One” Concert at the Lincoln Memorial

On Sunday, we had the pleasure of going to the We Are One concert at the Lincoln Memorial. The concert was at 2:30 p.m. and we didn’t leave our hotel until after 1:30. When we got to the Lincoln Memorial and saw the lines of people standing there, we didn’t think we would get in. [...]

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Brian McKnight’s Pre-Inaugural Ball

Well, we checked into our hotel and had just enough time to take a quick nap. At this age, I can’t hang like I used to and a nap is definitely in order. I’m not old. I’m just sayin’. LOL.
Anyway, we were excited about our night. We took a few pictures in the lobby of [...]

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Meet the Browns

Well, we certainly hit the ground running when we landed at Dulles International Airport on Saturday. We had just enough time to grab something to eat and head straight to DC. We spent one night in DC since our first event, Brian McKnight’s ball, was being held there. It was our first official event [...]

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What up, Peeps?

We are holding it down on our way to DC! Our journey began early Saturday morning, January 17, in Orlando, FL! Our flight wasn’t until 9:30 a.m., but not knowing if there were eager beavers like us heading to the airport or what the crowds would be like, we arrived at the airport [...]

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